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The artistic process
             A feminine universe  between dreams and myths

            The glance of the painter, sharpened extremely,
sees otherwise, sees somewhere else, and the painter
communicates us her vision of the world, all the worlds
in which he has access and that he translates us by means
of his works.

          Between symbols and allegories, the works of the
painter ALIX are so many paraboles as it is up to us to
decipher, to understand.

          Her works tell us the story of the women. She recreates
a personal mythology populated with goddesses, with fairies, with
elfs or with angels. What interests him, it is to create in the day
what what is contained in the darkness of the human memory.
In her work, everything is held, harmonizes, is linked with a
central axis which is the research for the feminine power. She
proposes us tracks to understand better the mysteries of the
femininity and give us envy to discover their meaning, their
message. She asks us to exceed the simple appearance of things
and to perceive the imperceptible and the invisible which hide
behind the symbol or the myth.